Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Protein Myth

How much protein do we really need , many supplement companies will try to convince you that you need 1gram of protein per lb of body weight or more which is close to 2.0-2.5g / kg of BW.  The average diet already exceeds upper limit of known protein requirements.  The adult RDA for protein is about .8g/kg of BW however for athletes who participate in high intensity endurance activities  the RDA can be raised to 1.2-1.4g/ kg of BW this is still lower than what supplement companies suggest that you consume.

To convert you BW in lbs divide by 2.2 to get your BW in Kilograms.  In our example a 200lb i.e 91kg male consuming 200g of protein falls in the 1 gram/ lb of BW or 2-2.5 g/kg of BW. His RDA is 72 g of protein assuming the .8 g/ kg , if he is an athlete 135g of protein , how much protein he gets from average American diet about 150-200g.

Bottom Line the average protein intake exceeds  1.5g/kg of BW per day , more than enough to cover the higher protein requirements.  The excess protein consumption just becomes wasteful , and can be stored as fat if glycogen stores are already topped off.


  1. This is very informative, tell us more how you got into this whole thing and what brought you to post it.

  2. Well I was motivated by the muscle magz depicting impressive physiques and was looking for a magic bullet that will help me get there. I believed all the hype and spent close to a grand in supplements mostly protein shake tubs etc.. I felt the public needs to be informed and that there is no need to spend so much money on protein shakes with a proper diet.
