Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Different Reps for Different Goals

I'm big fan of body weight training due to many benefits and relatively no worry about spinal loading which happens when doing heavy squats and dead lifts which tend to compress the spinal disk. Below I have listed some ways using different rep ranges to tailor your exercises to your goals. Obviously these rep ranges can apply to Body weight or Resistance exercises.

You can tailor your workouts depending on how many reps you can get on the 1st set of an exercise i.e. if your only getting 5-6 reps on let's say pullups  than shoot for 25 reps ( strength endurance)  , if it's 10-12 reps shoot for 50 reps ( endurance - hypertrophy)

Hypertrophy - 35 reps per exercise
Endurance - 50 reps per exercise
Strength -  15 reps per exercise
Lean - 25 reps per exercise

Light: a weight you could lift 20 to 22 times
Medium: a weight you could lift 10 to 12 times
Heavy: a weight you could lift 4 to 6 times
Superheavy: a weight you could lift 2 or 3 times

Below I have variables posted from another source with parameters on Intensity and Set - Rep ranges based on  training goals  ( Note some of the reps may not fall exactly in line with what is posted above i.e. really high reps 50-100 are not listed but the general concept is still the same)

(X = exercise)

Power : 3-6 sets between 1-10 reps at 30-45% 1RM or 10% BW  
(i.e total reps 6- 30 depending on X)
Strength: 3-6 sets between  1-5 reps at 85-100% 1RM                
 (i.e. total reps 6- 15 )    
Hypertrophy: 3-4 sets between 8-12 reps at 70-85% 1RM          
  (i.e. total reps 32 -36)                      
Endurance: 1-3 sets between 12-25 reps at 50-75% 1RM          
    (i.e. total reps 25 - 36 )  

1 comment:

  1. This is really informative, I'll tell everyone about this post.
