Sunday, August 14, 2011

Push + Pull + Lower Body Strength + Mass BW Routine

There are 7 exercises in this routine and you are to do each exercise for two sets with 1-2 minutes in between. Each routine is to be done 3 times a week. There should be no less than 48 hours in between the training session. This means that if you have worked out on Monday, the next time should be on Wednesday. In terms of the number of repetitions you should do ½ of your maximum on the first set and a full set to failure on the second set.

Here’s the catch you are to choose one pushing exercise, one pulling exercise and one leg exercise to be done to failure. There are two of each exercise in leg, pushing and pulling category, so one will be stopped before muscle failure. Abs are thrown in at the end.
 Template of a possible routine  ( 1-2 Legs , 3-4 Pulling , 5-6 Pushing , 7 Core )
  1. Squat Jump
  2. Step Up
  3. Pull Up or Chin Up
  4. Reverse Push Up ( Body -weight  Row  ) feet elevated to same height as hands at rest
  5. Dips
  6. Push Ups Elevated or Pike Press
  7. Hanging Straight Leg Lift or  or Knees to Elbows 
Brief Exercise List

  • Body weight Squats
  • Lunges
  • Calf Raises
  • Explosive Step Ups 
  • Knee Tucks 
  • Glute- Ham Raise 
  • One-Legged Squat 
  • Towel Pull Ups 
  • Rope Climbing 
  • Body Weight Row 
  • Side-to-Side Pull Up 
  • Rope Pull ups 
  • Diamond Pushup 
  • Ball Pushup 
  • Fingertip Pushup 
  • Knuckle Pushup 
  • Dive-bomber pushup 
  • Ring Push Ups
  • Lying Hip Swing
  • Rotational Chop 
  • Ab Wheel Rollout 
  • Flag 
  • Neck Bridge 
  • Superman 
  • V-up

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