Monday, August 29, 2011

Circuit Training

When most people think of circuit training they think of doing them with weights / machines etc...
Here I show a very effective circuit using your bodyweight.
You can Jump Rope or Sub Run/Jump in place  for one minute ,after doing a set of the BW exercises. Note you will do the below list one after another without rest which will count as 1 round through the entire circuit. More advanced trainees can perform 3-5 rounds of this routine.

Hindu Squats -50 reps
Jump Rope - 60 sec

Hindu Pushups- 25 reps
Jump Rope- 60 sec

V-Ups- 25 reps
Jump Rope- 60 sec

Reverse Pushups - 10 reps
Jump Rope - 60 sec

No Momentum Situps- 10 reps
Jump Rope - 60 sec

Table Pushup- 20 reps
Jump Rope -60 sec

Kneeling Backbend- 10 reps
Jump Rope - 60 sec

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