Saturday, July 30, 2011

Exercise and Seizures

"There is one rare type of epileptic seizure that has been shown to be induced by exercise per se. These are tonic (continuous motor activity) seizures, which have been reported to occur during a variety of sports activities. Fortunately, this type of seizure can be controlled in most instances by anticonvulsant drugs.........

 "As for other types of seizure disorders, physicians remain divided in their opinions as to whether exercise increases the risk of seizure occurrence. A report by Gotze et al.  suggests that exercise does not increase the risk of seizures in epileptic children or adolescents. In fact, Gotze  argues that exercise appears to reduce the incidence of seizures in epileptics by increasing the threshold for seizures. In support of these claims, reviews on epilepsy and sports have concluded that there is a reduction in the number of seizures during exercise" Page(s): 482, Exercise Physiology , McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Factors Related to exercise , hypothesized to increase risk of seizures

  • physical fatigue
  • hyperventilation 
  • hypoxia
  • hyperthermia
  • hypoglycemia
  • electrolyte imbalance 
There is a division in the medical community , in this topic and therefor a case-by-case decisions should be made.

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