Monday, July 4, 2011

The Importance of Sleep

 Since for me school is literally right around the corner and combating sleep fatigue is something that is always an issue I'm going to talk about it. 

According to the NIH- Getting enough sleep is essential to our health and well being. A lot of things can affect how much and how well we sleep, such as drugs, alcohol and medication. Mental or physical illness can have an impact on quality of sleep, and so can stress or doing shift work. Some people have sleep disorders like sleep apnoea (or apnea), where their breathing is interrupted during sleep, or restless legs syndrome (akathisia). Some people have to get up several times in the night to go to the toilet. The average adult sleeps less than 7 hours per night.  Most healthy adults need between 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best.  

Below I have a link to a website which will help calculate ideal sleep times based on what time you plan on waking up.

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