Friday, May 27, 2011

Review on the Nike+ Running App

As you run, with the Nike+ app on your iPod,  or iPhone  tells you your time, distance, pace, and calories burned. And it gives you feedback at the halfway point and in the final lead-up to your goal. You can also see the details of your workout on your device.

I took a test run with it the app yesterday for a 2400m run , split up in Intervals , where I would perform 6 sets of 400m runs with 1min rest before starting the next set.

Run anywhere outdoors or indoors , note need iphone GPS to track route
Map your Route , pinpoint areas where you were slow / fast to better track your performance.
You have the option to track your runs in three different run types
  1. Basic - Run with no set time or distance
  2. Time - Run against a clock 
  3. Distance- Run for a set distance in miles or kilometers 
Also ability to save your runs and sync with the website , do a search on Nike plus  , note most have an account which is free to set up online. Ability to share your runs stats via Facebook / Twitter , and various challenges. 
5th Year Anniversary so Nike is giving the app away for free on the app store.

Need an Internet service / Data Plan to track runs if your not nearby Wifi.
Nike should make this app available for all phones / electronic devices.

In conclusion , I will probably start tracking all my runs with this app :) , what are you waiting for go get your hands on Nike+ , they also sell a wrist watch that has a similar function.


  1. Nice review, I'm probably gonna have to just relent and get this.

  2. BTW this app is pretty accurate , I just might have to invest on the armband I said I wanted to get.

  3. the second one....

  4. Hey if these stats are online, then you can have real competitions that can't be faked. Kind of like the youtube pushup challenge. All the possibilities lol

  5. I agree , too bad Nike only syncs with Twitter/Facebook and the Nike+ website , but it doesn't sync directly to blog , unless there's an option for that
